Phone mobile application allows you to use FCN services on mobile devices - smartphones and tablets.
Phone FCN is a simple setup and user friendly application that allows you to enjoy the benefits of Internet telephony FCN in the country and abroad, wherever the Internet is available.
The application also:
- supports video calls between users FCN realized who it downloaded and installed on your mobile device
- implementing push notifications of incoming calls. This function, provided that it is activated by the user, it helps to save battery life
- works on Wi-Fi networks as well as access to GSM data
- allows you to transfer a call
- supports conference calls
- allows you to talk in loud-speaker mode
- supports tone (DTMF)
- during the dial shows the cost of the call per minute
- indicates the status of the service account FCN
Create an account on and use the phone at home and FCN company:
- no contract, no hidden costs
- select a phone number in any area code
- out domestic and international calls at attractive cenach- of 5gr per minute
- use of advanced value added services like IVR menu or WirtualnyFaks
Take FCN together.
The application works with the latest version of the FCN. Users vs. FCN services 3.09 welcome to contact the BOK to our free migration service FCN to the newest version.